Thursday 12 January 2012

I Can't Think What To Call This Post...

...a witty and erudite title, no? Well, tough cupcakes, Blogverse, because I am currently watching Earthflight and imagining being a bird who is read to by David Tennant.

In all seriousness, though, while watching said programme I am v. V. glad not to be a frigging bird. I mean for one thing I hate flying, so unless I was gonna be a penguin or something I'd pretty much suck as a bird (also if I was a penguin I'd spend the entire time convulsed in hysterical laughter because - duh! - penguins are way cute but make me giggle, so I'd be leopard seal food in no time). And for another thing, they have to fly for bloody miles! I mean seriously, look how wee and teeny and small a swallow is and then factor in the eight thousand-odd miles it's flown to reach the UK...just the thought of it makes me want to go and lie down in a darkened room. Although seeing the cranes flying over Venice is quite awe-inspiring (I love the city, and I bet they don't have to pay for breathing on their flights unlike us mere mortals), and the whole way they've filmed the series is beautiful. So no, I don't think I DO want to be a bird, thank you very much, but I quite like watching them while they do all the hard work...


Ricardo said...

That last bit doesnt just apply to birds though does it?

Kate said...

Don't know what you mean...*whistles*