Friday, 16 July 2010


Yes, I have managed to successfully reach my first 'didn't post a blog entry day'. Well done me.[/sarcasm] In my defence, I was busy planning my holiday with one of my bezzies, so I think I can get away with it...maybe.

So since this is a quick 'I should have posted this yesterday' entry before I get on with today, I shall keep it short. Somebody (Liam) told me that this wasn't a proper blog because there is no mention of Liam Gallagher. I hate Liam Gallagher. I hated Oasis too, to be honest, although I thought 'Wonderwall' was blinding. So in order to make this a 'proper' blog in Liam's eyes...voila Wonderwall...

Now I am never mentioning him again...

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