So I hit the big three-oh in a couple of years (and yes, I'm having kittens at the very thought, because I don't feel 28 and - as anyone who knows me will testify - I sure as hell don't act it!) I always knew that the event would have to be marked in a big way, and from talking to my Baby Forumbat, GemGem, a few weeks ago, I'm leaning towards a full-on Burlesque Bash. All of which leads me neatly into my random babble for today...
I need to do burlesque. I have a deep-seated, burning obsession with it, which is ridiculous because I get stage fright at the drop of a hat and am not exactly Little Miss Body Confident (I need Gok-ing!) but I desperately, desperately want to go and have burlesque lessons. The only thing is, I'm not so sure that I'd want to go by myself, and I don't know that any of my friends would be up for it. But it would just be so much fun, and a big confidence booster; besides, who wouldn't want to get to dress up like a vintage sex kitten and strut around like Dita Von Teese or the uber-sexy Veronica Varlow?
I need to do burlesque. I have a deep-seated, burning obsession with it, which is ridiculous because I get stage fright at the drop of a hat and am not exactly Little Miss Body Confident (I need Gok-ing!) but I desperately, desperately want to go and have burlesque lessons. The only thing is, I'm not so sure that I'd want to go by myself, and I don't know that any of my friends would be up for it. But it would just be so much fun, and a big confidence booster; besides, who wouldn't want to get to dress up like a vintage sex kitten and strut around like Dita Von Teese or the uber-sexy Veronica Varlow?

Isn't she a doll? I have the biggest girl-crush on Veronica, and her clothes...I need to save up (or win the lottery or something) so that I can buy the Bonnie dress below, and then I can wear it to rob a bank (or an X Factor judge) so that I can buy all the other clothes and then go to the London School of Burlesque for private lessons. This is the plan...

All this before the big three-oh. Piece of cake. Hey, maybe I could burst out of a cake for the big event...?
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