Tuesday, 20 July 2010

What's In A Name?

Quite a lot, actually, especially when you need a nom de plume or a stage name, something to hide behind on t'internet or to generate interest in your work. Which explains why, over the years, the names I've used on forums and other interweb-based places have been many and varied. Never let them know who you are, after all...it also explains why one of my lovely friends has spent the better part of an hour discussing burlesque names with me (he has the patience of a zillion saints, as befits a GBF). I still say we should have gone with Miss Lucy Lastic, but apparently it's already in use by a rather fabulous drag queen. Dammit. Still, so far we've come up with some crackers...

1) Miss Anna Seizure (this is possibly my favourite so far)
2) Indigo Irae (Epica tribute!)
3) Miss Sugar Shakespeare (cos I'm sweet 'n' literary)
4) Miss Eva Dream (yep, a Nightwish one...)
5) Miss Rae Venn (cos 'crow baby!' doesn't have quite the same ring to it)
6) Cocoa Katy (because I love chocolate)
7) Luna Falls (moonlight and water - two of my favourite things)
8) Fancy Nancy (after my favourite childhood book)
9) Ruby Starlet and Jasmine Shimmer (from the Dulux paint catalogue, of all things)
10)Lotta Legs (because we need the cheese factor, clearly)

We're still going - I keep getting random emails with things like 'Plum Duff!' in them, so this one could run and run. And should any one have any suggestions, feel free to add to the list! So far I'm torn between "Miss Anna Seizure" and "Miss Sugar Shakespeare"...although the more names we come up with, the more names I love!

Maybe I need split personalities...

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