Monday, 23 January 2012

P...P...Pick Up A Penguin!

Actually, scratch that.  Put the penguin down and step away, keeping your hands where I can see not make me use force...and other cop show cliches.

But seriously, what's not to love about penguins?  I mean, apart from the cold and the having to live on fish (regurgitated fish if you're a baby), and the cold and the risk of death-by-leopard-seal-or-killer-whale and the cold...did I mention the cold?  OK, so actually being a penguin pretty much sucks.  But do they care?  Nooooo, they have hours and hours of fun being all penguin-y and adorable and shiz, and besides that they make me laugh.  I can't explain what it is...well actually, part of it is the way they walk, because let's face it that is just genuinely hilarious:

Tell me you're not smiling after watching that?  Little penguin, waddling too and fro without a care in the's Penguin Prozac.  Not convinced?  Try this one...

Then there's this, which I know is seriously old but makes me cackle nonetheless...

Emperor Penguins in particular have the cutest babies in the world...

ZOMG, LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!!!!!  Seriously, anyone who doesn't go "aww..." at those pictures is probably dead.  If not, they should be, because frankly that's the only excuse I'll tolerate...

And the thing I love most about penguins, besides the fact they make me laugh and therefore always cheer me up, is that they come in all different shapes and sizes, from the tall and stately Emperors to the small-but-perfect Little Penguins; from the beautifully made-up Gentoos to the mad-hair-days of the Rock Hoppers (seriously, Rock Hoppers, there's a reason you don't stick your flippers in an electric socket, you know...?)  There's a penguin to suit everyone and so if ever you feel a bit down, think of them and I guarantee you you'll be smiling before you know it.

Oh!  And I almost favourite penguins of all are the ones who fly north for the winter, as discovered by Mr Terry Jones.  And a Python is NEVER wrong...

See?  They really are the most amazing creatures on earth...  :P

1 comment:

tabea said...

That is one hyper penguin teenager... (it looks like it'd be about the developmental equivalent of a teenager. hm)