Wednesday, 25 January 2012

THE Most Amazing Video You Will Ever See...

One of the few benefits of having a cold and not being able to breathe properly at stupid-o-clock in the morning is occasionally discovering a complete gem of a thing in the unlikeliest places.  Last night was one of those nights...sick of coughing up my spleen and was fed up with staring at the ceiling I started channel-hopping and caught the end of an episode of Rude Tube.  Oh. My. Actual. Life.  This video...this guy is AMAZING.  You all need to watch this.  Right now...

In November 2010 Scottish street trials cyclist Danny MacAskill decided to cycle from his new base in Edinburgh back to his home village, Dunvegin on the Isle of Skye.  Now I've made the trip from Edinburgh to Dunvegin and it's absolutely gorgeous, although I was on a minibus when I did it, but Danny decided that merely cycling from A to B was dull and not for the likes of him.  So he decided to do the whole journey as one long stunt ride, using his bike to jump on and off pretty much everything he came across.  It. Is. Ridiculous, and yet completely brilliant all at the same time.  You really have to see it to believe it...

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