Monday, 22 November 2010

On National Domestic Abuse Awareness Week...

Some statistics for you...

1) 1 in 4 women in the UK will experience domestic abuse at some time in their life, as will 1 in 6 men.
2) Every minute, a domestic abuse related call will be made to a police force somewhere in the UK.
3) Less than 40% of domestic abuse cases will be reported to the police.
4) On average, a woman will be abused 35 times before she first calls the police.
5) In 30% of domestic abuse cases, the abuse started during pregnancy.
6) At least 750,000 children a year witness domestic violence, which can cause them physical, emotional, psychological and behavioural damage.
7) On average, two women a week are killed by a violent partner or ex-partner.

Pretty shocking stuff, isn't it? Oh, I know domestic abuse is 'my thing' and that I'll willingly stand on my soapbox and rant about it to all and sundry, but I honestly think these stats speak for themselves. How is it that in the 21st Century, when Man has been to the Moon, for goodness sake, we can still be so backwards when it comes to dealing with domestic abuse?

The current and accepted Government definition of domestic abuse is: any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of gender or sexuality. In both my professional and my personal life, I have seen the damage that domestic abuse can do to women and children, for it is mainly women and children who are the victims of this crime.

It is never acceptable.

It is never right.

This week is National Domestic Abuse Awareness Week, which culminates in the International Day for the Elimination of Violence and Women on Thursday 25th November. I know I go on about it. I know I rant about it. But you know what? Until every woman and child feels safe in their home and can live without the threat of domestic abuse hanging over their heads, I and many other people simply won't shut up. And so I am asking anyone who read this please, please sign the White Ribbon Pledge; men, to show that you won't ever commit, condone or keep silent about violence to women; and women, that you will support men who honour this pledge. Unless we stand together we will never stop it, and no one should ever have to live in fear of the person they love. I signed the pledge. Now I'm asking you to do the same, to show your support. If you do just one thing on the internet today, make it this.

Thank you.

Love Kate xx


Rich said...

I never knew you had a blog. Had a good old read of it, and am enjoying it...I will follow it eagerly. I also signed the pledge, I think I have told you many times before how it is beyond belief that these things go on in a 'civilised' society. How can we lecture other cultures when it goes on right under our very noses!

Mothership said...

good on you, kate ~ going to sign up right now. very proud of you, podlet xx