Thursday, 11 November 2010

Remembrance Writing...

I know, I know - two blog posts for the price of one, right? And I have yet to fill you all in on Brighton. To follow, I promise...But I just wanted to post this because, for some ridiculous reason, I am quite proud of this poem. Since November 1st I've been writing a poem every day, the idea being that by Samhain next year I'll have 365 poems to do something with. Burn, probably. Who knows? Anyway, since today is Remembrance Day, I took it as the theme of my poem this evening and as I'm procrastinating like anything instead of NaNo-ing, I thought I'd post because I actually quite like it...

Red The Poppy, White The Grave (A Villanelle)

I do not know your names, but I know you died.
Fighting for your land in some foreign field.
Today we shall remember you with pride...

And what of all the friends you fought beside,
Who answered when the country first appealed?
I do not know your names, but I know you died.

Through mud and blood and desert you did stride,
And not to fear or anger did you yield.
Today we shall remember you with pride...

How many of you left at home a bride,
And learnt to keep your sorrow tightly sealed?
I do not know your names, but I know you died.

For when your country sent you, you complied
And all your own emotions were concealed.
Today we shall remember you with pride...

In conflicts past and present you abide,
And now at last your bravery's revealed.
I do not know your names, but I know you died.
Today we shall remember you with pride...

Not that bad for a half hour's work, methinks (oh-so modestly). If only my NaNo novel was as easy; of the two that I started on November 1st, both have now fallen by the wayside and I've decided to concentrate on the story that replaced the Arthurian legend one. It's a sort-of steampunk Jack the Ripper thing, with a twist. Now I just need to crack on, catch up and get writing. GO!

1 comment:

The Goodest Boi said...

I'll read your poem later cos i am meant to be doing an assignment right now (i have the procrastination virus too) but hey! DONT GIVE UP ON NANO! WE WILL MAKE IT THROUGH THIS!