The air turns chill, the leaves are starting to fall and the long dark nights are drawing in. Merlin and Strictly Come Dancing are back/soon to be back on our screens (there will, no doubt, be more posts on Strictly once it properly starts - I have a weakness for it). It can mean only one thing - Winter will soon be upon us.
All is not lost, however. I love the autumnal time of year anyway; from Mabon (which, by the way, is this Wednesday, so happy Autumn Equinox everyone) through to Samhain, there's a magick in the air that can't be explained. There's also the glorious pleasure of snuggling up on the sofa, hot chocolate in hand, and watching good telly. And - oh joy of joys - Monday's have become bearable again (at least for the next eight weeks) with the return of Spooks. *cue Kate's madly over exuberant bouncing, resulting in a fall from the bed*
Ok, ok, I have to admit it - this is an incredibly shallow post. I could spend hours going into the gritty realism, the brilliant acting, the expansive and gripping storylines and the fabulous special effects (a girl's gotta love those huge explosions, after all). I could tell you that I've learned more about counter-terrorism and the workings of MI5 from watching Spooks than I ever thought I'd need to know, and that because of the show I'm fully fluent in 'techie nerd' and 'computer geek' speak. Or I could just be really, brutally honest and admit that, while I always had a passing fascination with the show thanks to the storylines, explosions and the whole spying thing, it's only since Richard Armitage joined the team that I've really made sure I never miss an episode. Oh sure, I used to watch it, but I never fretted if I missed an episode or two and I was always able to do something else at the same time, like flick through a magazine or tap away at the computer. Since Mr A got his MI5 credentials, however, Monday night has become Spooks night and nothing, not even a half-naked rugby team standing on my doorstep (wait, which half? Oh, it doesn't matter anyway...) can drag me away from my drooling. I mean studious appraisal. Or something. *coughs*
So yes, this post is very, very shallow indeed. So I'm a walking boyband sometimes - a mile wide and an inch deep, that's me. But sometimes there's no shame in it. I mean look at this bloke. Seriously, just look at him...
All is not lost, however. I love the autumnal time of year anyway; from Mabon (which, by the way, is this Wednesday, so happy Autumn Equinox everyone) through to Samhain, there's a magick in the air that can't be explained. There's also the glorious pleasure of snuggling up on the sofa, hot chocolate in hand, and watching good telly. And - oh joy of joys - Monday's have become bearable again (at least for the next eight weeks) with the return of Spooks. *cue Kate's madly over exuberant bouncing, resulting in a fall from the bed*
Ok, ok, I have to admit it - this is an incredibly shallow post. I could spend hours going into the gritty realism, the brilliant acting, the expansive and gripping storylines and the fabulous special effects (a girl's gotta love those huge explosions, after all). I could tell you that I've learned more about counter-terrorism and the workings of MI5 from watching Spooks than I ever thought I'd need to know, and that because of the show I'm fully fluent in 'techie nerd' and 'computer geek' speak. Or I could just be really, brutally honest and admit that, while I always had a passing fascination with the show thanks to the storylines, explosions and the whole spying thing, it's only since Richard Armitage joined the team that I've really made sure I never miss an episode. Oh sure, I used to watch it, but I never fretted if I missed an episode or two and I was always able to do something else at the same time, like flick through a magazine or tap away at the computer. Since Mr A got his MI5 credentials, however, Monday night has become Spooks night and nothing, not even a half-naked rugby team standing on my doorstep (wait, which half? Oh, it doesn't matter anyway...) can drag me away from my drooling. I mean studious appraisal. Or something. *coughs*
So yes, this post is very, very shallow indeed. So I'm a walking boyband sometimes - a mile wide and an inch deep, that's me. But sometimes there's no shame in it. I mean look at this bloke. Seriously, just look at him...

This will be the last post on the blog for a few days as I'm to the wild and wet north-west of Bonny Scotland and shall be sans t'internet for a while. Sadly I'm not going with Richard Armitage (now there's a fantasy I'm not sharing...) but will no doubt have a thoroughly excellent, if not a slightly soggy time. I shall, however, leave you with another of my current crushes (what?): the always-awesome Black Stone Cherry. I saw them last year at around this time (October, I believe) and it was amazing; they're one of my favourite bands ever and Chris' voice is just...*shivers* The first song is 'Things My Father Said', which makes me howl like a baby because it's so beautiful; the second is 'Devil's Queen', which is my favourite song from their second album Folklore and Superstition. Sorry that the quality on the second one is 100%, but I freaking love this song! Oh, and because I'm a video-whore and a total slapper, I'm putting a Corey Taylor video on here; the beautiful version of 'Snuff' that he played at Sonisphere 2010 and dedicated to Paul Gray when I SAW HIM!!'s my blog, I can do what I want. :D Ah, you know you guys are gonna miss me...Till I return from Soggy Scotland, farewell. And enjoy the music!! xx
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