Sunday, 8 August 2010

Teenage Kicks...

I don't know if you've seen Amish: The World's Squarest Teenagers on Channel 4? When I first came across it, I was horrified; it sounded like one of those 'point and laugh at the freaks' programmes that make me want to throw things at the telly. However, for once the name of the show doesn't actually do justice to the content. It follows five young Amish teenagers as they come to Britain and spend time with 4 different families; it has been a huge, huge eyeopener. The five young Amish are very engaging and keen to fit in with their host families, and also to learn as much as they can about the hugely-differing cultures. But what is also wonderful to see, especially given the bad press that teenagers in this country get, was the way that the British teenagers hosting them were also keen to engage with themand get to know their ways. It kinda fills you with hope...almost!

Another thing that has given me hope for the fabled 'next generation' was the Palace Theatre Summer Youth Project that I saw today. In nine days, this incredible bunch of kids (aged 9 to 19) pulled together to perform an all-singing, all-dancing version of The Wiz. It was brilliant. You could see how hard they'd all worked (not to mention all the very frazzled 'grown-ups' backstage!) and their sheer enthusiasm and joy at performing was infectious. There are some real talents there, raw talents who one day will be strutting their stuff on the stage in the West End. They can all be very, very proud of themselves for what they achieved, and it's a timely reminder that not every teenager is some knife-wielding hoody drunkenly loitering on a street corner; that there are 'young people'who are prepared to put time and effort into something that they're passionate about. So to Daisymay and everyone else who took part in the show, a huge huge well done. You were all fantastic. xx

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