So according to the ol' stats on this thing, I haven't posted since March. Well, THAT was a spectacular success, was it not? So much for writing every day...although in my defence there was a lot of hospital time and health *things* going on, so I got out of the loop a bit. That's still no real excuse though, because that was sorted (hopefully finally) back in the summer and it's now almost Christmas. So basically I just suck and must be shot at dawn for dereliction of blogging duties.
However, since a shiny new year is almost approaching us (and 2012 is, of course, destined to be the end of the world because the Mayans apparently couldn't count any higher, so because of their ineptitude we are subsequently going to suffer The Apocalypse on 21st December), I figured I ought to have a new year's resolution to actually keep this thing going again. Plus I've been nagged by a couple of people...and nagging basically means "if you don't do it there'll be hell to pay young lady so I suggest you crack on" - voila! Le Blog Lives Again!
Well, I hear (no one) ask - what have you been up to since you left the Blogverse? Basically this: I was in hospital, I went to Munich, I went to several gigs, I laughed with my friends, I cried with my friends, I discovered A Song of Ice and Fire in all its glorious forms, I wrote a few poems, I half-wrote a few novels which need to be finished and I procrastinated wildly about things. I also sort of forgot I had a blog...which is a shocking admission for which I must be severely punished. However I fully expect the madness to resume again because I need to get back into the habit of writing every day, even if it's just randomness on here, so I feel I should give you all fair warning (those hardy souls who continue to brave the madness and actually read the crap I write): this blog will contain nuttiness. There will be moaning. There will be nonsensical things which even I will fail to understand when I read it back to myself. There will be political ranting and outrage about the fate of the world. There will be serious amounts of Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire love, as well as Criminal Minds adoration. There will be shoes, and vintage clothes, and friends and hopefully some travel. There will also be the big Three-Oh to contend with.
Buckle your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen. It's going to be a bumpy ride...
However, since a shiny new year is almost approaching us (and 2012 is, of course, destined to be the end of the world because the Mayans apparently couldn't count any higher, so because of their ineptitude we are subsequently going to suffer The Apocalypse on 21st December), I figured I ought to have a new year's resolution to actually keep this thing going again. Plus I've been nagged by a couple of people...and nagging basically means "if you don't do it there'll be hell to pay young lady so I suggest you crack on" - voila! Le Blog Lives Again!
Well, I hear (no one) ask - what have you been up to since you left the Blogverse? Basically this: I was in hospital, I went to Munich, I went to several gigs, I laughed with my friends, I cried with my friends, I discovered A Song of Ice and Fire in all its glorious forms, I wrote a few poems, I half-wrote a few novels which need to be finished and I procrastinated wildly about things. I also sort of forgot I had a blog...which is a shocking admission for which I must be severely punished. However I fully expect the madness to resume again because I need to get back into the habit of writing every day, even if it's just randomness on here, so I feel I should give you all fair warning (those hardy souls who continue to brave the madness and actually read the crap I write): this blog will contain nuttiness. There will be moaning. There will be nonsensical things which even I will fail to understand when I read it back to myself. There will be political ranting and outrage about the fate of the world. There will be serious amounts of Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire love, as well as Criminal Minds adoration. There will be shoes, and vintage clothes, and friends and hopefully some travel. There will also be the big Three-Oh to contend with.
Buckle your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen. It's going to be a bumpy ride...