Monday, 7 March 2011

In Which I Suck...

Wow, I'm a terrible blogger! Write in this thing every day, she said. Got to keep the old brain ticking over, she said. The words 'epic' and 'fail' spring to mind here...thank whichever deity you believe in (today - Jeff, the God of Biscuits) that I don't actually get PAID for this shiz, otherwise I'd be broke and sponging off my parents. Oh, wait...

Well, thanks to a seriously crud case of Real Life having its wicked way with me (about time something did...) there hasn't been much happening in the world that is especially noteworthy. Well, lots and lots of terribly awfully bad horrible things, but really I don't want to bore you with the details of some of them and the others are not really for public consumption. However, it never fails to amaze me that just when I think things couldn't get any bleaker and maybe now's the time to start kicking arse, something happens to brighten my day. It doesn't have to be anything hugely majorly important, but there it is nonetheless.

So here's to the little things and seeing the bright side. Even if you have to use a magnifying glass to do so.